Using Project 2010 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Codes – Part 1
Work breakdown structure (WBS) codes are used primarily to identify tasks within a project, as well as the task’s location related to the structure outline of the project. Schedule updates and financial tracking is easier when actions can be attributed to a specific task. Microsoft Project uses two types of WBS coding: outline numbers are generated automatically by the software, and custom WBS codes are created by the user to help to better identify tasks.
System generated outline numbers are automatically generated for each task by Microsoft Project. The numbering system used is very simple and basic, numbering the tasks 1, 2 and 3. Sub-tasks are also basic in numbering. Subtasks of the first task are numbered 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. The outline numbers are numeric and do not contain any letters or other symbols. The system creates and maintains them and these numbers cannot be manually changed. If a task is moved to a different position in the project, the system will automatically adjust the number to fit into the new location of tasks and subtasks. To display the Outline Number in a view, click on the Tools menu, click Options and then click View. Select the Show Outline Number check box under the Outline Options.
Custom WBS codes can be created using letters and numbers, and also special characters. A code mask can be created and used for an entire project, with a restriction being that only one code mask can be used on a specific project. Outline levels are used here as well, with a specific code being generated for each task and subtask. Each level of the code can be set up in a unique format according to the overall list of tasks and subtasks.
How to Create Custom WBS Codes
On the View menu, choose a sheet view, then on the Project menu, choose WBS and click Define Code.
A project specific code can be used as a prefix in order to better define tasks. To do this, enter the prefix in the Project Code Prefix box. This code will be used to identify the project at the top levels of the WBS, and also to help identify the sub-projects within a master project. This code can also be used to define dependencies across multiple projects.
A project code prefix can be created using letters, numbers and characters.
1. Choosing a code string for the first level of the WBS requires that you first choose a Sequence column.
• Numbers (ordered) will allow for a numeric WBS code for this first level (such as 1, 2, 3, etc)
• Uppercase Letters (ordered) will allow for upper case lettered WBS codes (such as A, B, C etc)
• Lowercase letters (ordered) will allow for lower case lettered WBS codes (such as a, b, c, etc)
• Character (unordered) will allow for any sequence of letters (upper or lower case), and any numbers to be used in the WBS code (such as Project1, Finance2, Cont3 etc). This option gives the most flexibility in deciding what to label the project tasks. An asterisk will be displayed in the WBS filed until a string is created for this WBS code level.
2. The selected number of characters for the code string is chosen in the Length column. The exact number of characters or Any can be chosen for that code level. The WBS code can be set for any number of characters from 1-255 in length.
3. Select a character that you want to use as a separator in the Separator column. The default separator character used in Microsoft Project is a period. A different code separator can be used at each code level. If you would prefer not using a separator character between the levels of code, then leave the Separator filed blank. Remember that the character chosen to be used as a separator cannot also be used as part of the codes.
For each level of tasks in the WBS, choose one code string that will be used specifically for that level. For each case, repeat the steps here, to fill in the Sequence, Length and Separator columns.
Microsoft Project will automatically assign a WBS code each time a new task is entered. If you do not want this to be automatic, then you will need to clear the Generate WBS Code for New Task check box.
The codes will be unique for all tasks. If you want to use the same WBS code for multiple tasks, then you will need to clear the Verify Uniqueness of the New WBS codes check box.